Silicon Catalyst Venture Announcement of New Fund

Owl AI is thrilled to share the news from Silicon Catalyst Ventures of the formation of their new fund.  In this announcement they share their first investments and Owl AI is honored to be one of them. Read their entire press release here To learn more about SCV visit their new website

Q&A: Owl AI Making Better ADAS Systems with Help from Drones

March 11, 2024 Sebastian Blanco SAE International recently caught up with CEO Chuck Gershman how a new technology is opening up doors for Owl AI.   Owl AI has steadily been improving the SWaP-C (Size, Weight, Power and Cost) of the electronics in its thermal camera sensors while also improving capability. The company’s latest units have […]

Voice of America

Check out the Voice of America video story from the Owl AI Thermal Immersion Experience at CES 2024

Cars Will Enlist Thermal Infrared and AI to Shield Pedestrians

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In five years or so, all new cars will be able to see in total darkness. What you need to know about the new automotive PAEB technology to provide automotive safety at nighttime. Visit our latest coverage in: Electronic Design February 15, 2024  You’ll learn: Why governments, industry and insurance companies, associations, regulators, and companies are recommending […]

Why do automobiles need new night-time safety systems?

Wade Appelman, CBO Owl AI Electronics360, January 10, 2024 Or to rephrase, “Why do pedestrians need better protection at night?” This has become such an easy question to answer that even the mainstream press is writing about it. Last December, The New York Times provided stark answers with its article Why Are So Many American Pedestrians […]

Within Five Years, All New Cars Will Be Able to See at Night

Clive Maxfield Electronic Engineering Journal, January 9, 2024 Within Five Years, All New Cars Will Be Able to See at Night! Owl’s new 3D thermal imaging technology can detect and identify warm objects in total darkness up to 200 yards ahead. Read the full article here:

Why Are So Many More Pedestrians Dying in the US?

In the past decade, the number of pedestrian fatalities has increased 77% – nearly all of these at night.   This staggering statistic about pedestrian safety is not going unnoticed by the likes of New York Times as covered in their recent podcast episode.   Owl AI is working to improve safety of pedestrians through increased night […]