Athena Blog

News and Views from OWL AI


Visit Owl AI (Booth 6967 - West Hall) to see a live demo of the Orin and Owl AI software in action.
CES 2024 Preview CBO, Wade Appelman discusses NEW Thermal Camera Technology coming from OwI AI.
Get the TLDR for recent interview between Chuck Gershman & Carl Anthony at AutoSens Brussels 2023
Get the TLDR for recent interview between Wade Appelman, CBO & Carl Anthony
AI/ML Convolutional Neural Networks can indeed make driving safer. The team at Vehicle Electronics caught up with our own Gene Petilli to discuss how Owl Autonomous Imaging is using AI & machine
NHTSA is not currently prepared to include specifications for mannequins that can be seen by thermal imagers in the rule. Owl comment letter requests regulation of thermal dummies
In the proposed rule, the requirements for pedestrian mannequins to be used with cameras and radar are included in detail in paragraph VIII A. However, this section also indicates that NHTSA is not currently prepared to include specifications for mannequins that can be seen by thermal imagers in the rule.