Owl In The News

Featured News

Silicon Catalyst Venture Announcement of New Fund

Electronics for You – Covers Thermal Cameras and Owl AI

Owl AI is covered by Electronics for You - June 2024

How Thermal Imaging and AI Combine to Protect Pedestrians (from Automobil Elektronik)

Wie Wärmebildtechnik und KI Fußgänger schützen können

Owl partners with Nvidia at CES 2024 to highlight Thermal CNNs running on Orin Processor

Visit Owl AI (Booth 6967 - West Hall) to see a live demo of the Orin and Owl AI software in action.

EXCLUSIVE: Wade Appelman Talks OwI AI’s Latest Thermal Camera Tech

CES 2024 Preview CBO, Wade Appelman discusses NEW Thermal Camera Technology coming from OwI AI.

Thermal Imaging AI Adds New Angle to Safety

Combining AI with thermal imaging can "flesh out" pedestrians to improve automotive safety systems day and night.

Forbes Magazine: “Drivers Tend To Kill Pedestrians at Night. Thermal Imaging May Help”

In the US, pedestrian deaths are increasing. It's a somber relapse.

SAE International: Owl AI’s 3D Thermal Sensors See Further into the Dark

SAE International Coverage Nov 3, 2023 "When RGB cameras fail to classify, thermal cameras continue to identify the object, and that’s the fundamental value proposition.”