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90m .2Lux Test
What to look for:
Upper left is 5MP HDR, Lower Left is VGA LWIR with Owl Perception software for object classification. On Right is HD Thermal. Notice the pedestians are easily classified @ 90m
Chaotic Scene in HD
What to look for:
This is a drive test with challenging pedestrian traffic. Note the ease of classification in thermal
Upper left is 5MP HDR, Lower Left is VGA LWIR with Owl Perception software for object classification. On Right is HD Thermal.
LiDAR and Thermal Fusion
What to look for:
Owl perception software is performing the classification and a LiDAR is providing cm accuracy ranging. Owl AI is doing the rectification and fusion.
Pedestrian Detection
What to look for:
Watch for the pedestrians on right side of screen. One in white and other in black. Note how thermal always classifies.
Stationary Street Scene
What to look for:
On coming headlights and pedestrians in the distance often obscure pedestrians when using HDR RGB cameras.
Vehicle Headlights in Night
What to look for:
The vehicle is in a dark parking lot. The HDR (5MP) RGB camera does not see the pedestrian groups outside the throw of the headlamps.
Bike Classification lost in underpass
What to look for:
In RGB the biker is classified until it goes underneath a dark underpass. In thermal it remains classified
Road Debris
What to look for:
Common road debris such as a pallet, cinder block and tire are shown side by side in thermal and RGB
Deer Running into Street
What to look for:
Thermal picks up living objects quickly and outside the illumination of headlights. The RGB image never sees the deer in this video.
Night PAEB test - Outside Perspective
What to look for:
See Owl Thermal in action. This video is from a test track and the vehicle under test is using Owl AI perception SW and thermal camera to safely stop when a pedestrian crosses in front.
Night PAEB test - Driver Perspective
What to look for:
LWIR and RGB feeds from inside the vehicle under test. Note the oncoming headlights blinding RGB and how much sooner LWIR sees the pedestrians on side and front of vehicle.
RGB & Thermal Fusion
What to look for:
An RGB stream and LWIR thermal stream are fused together. Deer are identified easily and colored stop sign too.
Owl Thermal Immersion (CES 2024)
What to look for:
We transported attendees into a virtual city scene to show thermal vs. RGB with:
- Dark Scene (Limited lights)
- On coming headlights
- Introduction of fog
Notice how thermal sees through all conditions.
Thermal Camera in Direct Sunlight
What to look for:
Your eyes and regular RGB/visible light cameras get blinded in direct sunlight. Not LWIR thermal.
Watch as the vehicle heads into the sun. Thermal contrast remains consistent. The visible light camera washes out.
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