Thermal Imaging Camera, Lidar Sensor Improve Pedestrian, All-Weather Driving Safety

For more than 20 years, the Best of Sensors Awards — presented by Fierce Electronics and Questex’s Sensors Converge — has shone a spotlight on the best and most innovative products, technologies, teams, and people in the sensors industry, Sensors Converge said.

Thermal Camera Exploded

“Throughout the world, government agencies and industry organizations are in the process of developing and implementing automotive safety regulations that will force vehicle makers to adapt new safety and night-time driving technologies that are much more effective than those in use today,” Sensors Converge wrote.

“Pedestrian safety, especially for night-time and urban driving, is THE critical milestone for the automotive industry’s next-generation vehicles, and we are honored to be recognized by Sensors Converge & Fierce Electronics for the impact of the problems we seek to solve,” said Chuck Gershman, CEO & co-founder of Owl Autonomous Imaging.

Submissions were judged based on the value to the marketplace, the impact of the problems it solves or issues it addresses, and the uniqueness of the design, according to Sensors Converge. 

Repairer News recognized the contributions Owl Autonomous Imaging & Valeo are making strides in Optical & Camera and Automobile/Autonomous sensing technology, respectively.  

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